Rome - Castelli Romani

Take part in our immersive experiences that turns around food and wine in the beautiful naturalistic context of the Castelli Romani. 

Experiences in Rome - Castelli Romani

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Cooking class and Food tour Rome Castelli Romani: an immersive experience in Italian food and wine

Food and wine, nature and culture: get to know the history and Roman culinary traditions in the cradle of authenticity.

Castelli Romani is the name of an area south east of Rome, not far from the metropolis, which includes 17 municipalities.

The origin of this name dates back to the period of the fall of the Roman Empire when many people fled from Rome due to the instability that reigned in the city at that time, and took refuge in the castles that were nearby.

At first the scene of bloody battles, they soon became a place of peace and prosperity, so much so that they became a destination for outings and outings for the Roman lords already before the 1900s.

This bucolic air of serenity and harmony with nature has remained today and permeates even the local cuisine with smells and colors.

Visiting the Castelli Romani without knowing the typical dishes that have made this area of ​​Italy famous even abroad is a real shame!

Why not try your hand at preparing typical local products and tasting the finest wines of the Castelli Romani? Insideat Cooking Classes are waiting for you!

Rome: the best food tours of the Castelli Romani

On this page, you will find the best food tours in Rome in the Castelli Romani

A roundup of immersive experiences in the food and wine culture of the place, to spend a few hours having fun, learning and savoring the typical products that the whole world envies us.

From tastings of fine wine in suggestive locations in nature, to show cooking with the Chef to learn traditional cooking techniques, up to real cooking classes to get your hands on pasta and prepare delicious dishes such as ravioli and fettuccine with friends yourself or work colleagues with the food and wine team building.
What are you waiting for? Come and discover the gastronomic pearls of the Castelli Romani!