Simple, fast and tasty!

The frittata is the protagonist of this week, in all its possible versions: cold, lukewarm or hot.
“You can’t make the frittata without breaking the eggs!” it is one of the many Italian idioms to tell the frittata, a typical traditional dish within everyone’s reach.
However, each country has its own way of “breaking eggs”.
In Spain they prepare potato tortilla, in France omelette, in England scrambled eggs.
Abroad the frittata is often confused with the French “cousin” omelette, despite the obvious differences between the two: while in the omelette the ingredients are added at the end of cooking and the preparation is folded on itself, in the frittata the ingredients of the filling they are mixed and cooked together with the egg.
The frittata, a typical dish of Italian cuisine, was born as a poor preparation that was mainly consumed by the working classes. It is a complete food based on lightly beaten eggs and flavored with ingredients to taste. It is one of the oldest and most popular preparations in history.
To make it more appetizing, a delicate variant involves the addition of zucchini. A classic dish of timeless Italian tradition.

Characterized by two ingredients, eggs and zucchini, it can be made by adding different ingredients, such as onion, which makes the frittata tastier and sweeter.
Rich and nutritious, the zucchini frittata has several occasions of consumption, it can be served lukewarm as a second course, or cold as a finger food for an aperitif, or as an appetizer, diced.

The ingredients to make this dish are few and simple: you just need to have oil, salt, eggs at home – possibly fresh – and a non-stick pan, which won’t let the mixture stick in the cooking, and you’re done! In a few minutes the frittata will be cooked and ready to serve at the table.
In Italy the fats used to make the dish can be different, depending on the territory in which you are located: while in the North butter is usually used in recipes, and in some also lard, in the Center and South olive oil is used.

On the type of cooking, there are two schools of thought: it can be cooked, as indicated above, in a cooking pan, tastier, as it ensures the typical fragrance of frying; or in the oven, lighter, which combines the advantages of fat-free cooking with greater ease of execution.
Given its simplicity and speed in preparing it, the frittata is a dinner saver for excellence!
“Who is it that doesn’t know how to make frittate?
And who in the world hasn’t made some frittata in his life? “
Pellegrino Artusi
‘Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well’