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Insideat’s food and wine team building: from training to leisure and relax

Food and wine team building

Each Company must periodically strengthen the personal and social relationships between its collaborators in order to see improvements in performance.

But what is a food and wine team building? It is a type of company activity that exploits the power of food as a uniting element par excellence. It’s all about cooking competitions and challenges, tastings and other activities aimed at stimulating communication and cohesion in a working group. It takes time, commitment, planning, investment and measurement of results to design a team building event in the kitchen. The results will arrive, in terms of improving perception and communication in the eyes of employees, competitors and potential investors.

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The cooking team building activity according to Insideat

A company that wants to organize a corporate team building event in Rome will have to find the right supplier and partner. At Insideat we offer creative and rewarding experiences in the field of food and wine. We are a reliable partner, able to analyze the strategic objectives of the client, to provide ideas for team building and tailor-made courses.

When we design our food & wine team building experiences, we are committed right from the concept to creating an event that involves our guests from three fundamental points of view: education, fun and relaxation. That’s because our guests learn while having fun, trying their hand at preparing some specialties of Italian cuisine such as egg pasta, stuffed pasta, Neapolitan pizza and tiramisu. We welcome them to our team building locations in Rome, immediately putting them at ease, perhaps in front of some snacks and a good glass of wine. From that moment on they are entrusted to our chefs, who are specifically trained in the management of groups and in the organization of corporate events in Rome. Together with them they will immerse themselves for a few hours in a welcoming and relaxing environment, they’ll take part in training courses and food and wine games. Some ideas for food and wine team building are: pizza workshop or pasta workshop with wine tasting.

In our team building experiences there is no lack of particular attention to the world of wine, the excellence of Made in Italy. In our locations good wine surrounds the guests and during the wine team building the tasting is done with scrupulousness and attention to the labels and the territory.

How to build a food and wine team building experience in Rome with Insideat

Our strength is that we design and implement team building together with foreign and Italian companies that come to us. A company, in fact, is first of all a group of people, each with their own lives, experiences, skills, strengths, weaknesses and strengths. Every company and every team member deserve to be involved in order to fully express themselves in a new and different environment. In a context such as the one provided by Insideat, everyone will be able to give vent to their inspiration and creativity. For example, imagine how many ideas can emerge during a pizza team building, even only in the phase of choosing the topping. As a result, the ability to interact with those who, at least for a day, will become more than just a colleague will improve.

So, let’s reshuffle the cards, put everyone to the test as potential leaders and ask everyone to cooperate to achieve a common goal, with the aim of fostering communication and establishing a climate of trust and collaboration between team members. This is the spirit of Insideat’s food and wine team building events!

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A final debriefing will then be the worthy conclusion of the team building, to congratulate everyone, listen to the opinions and sensations and maybe reward the best and invite the team to continue along the path of cohesion.

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If we have intrigued you, we hope to have you as our guests soon.

Let’s plan your food and wine team building activity together and give your collaborators the opportunity to improve, while having fun!

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